08 January 2008

Tragedy Strikes at the "Wyview Crossing"

I am sure that many of you are not aware, but last night, tragedy struck at the crosswalk between Wyview Park and BYU campus (across University Ave.) in Provo.

I still have not heard many details, but what I know at the moment is that one or more BYU students were hit by a 66 year-old Park City man while they were crossing the street.  Emergency personnel (including 3 Police Cruisers and 3 Ambulances, according to witnesses) responded to the scene.  A 24 year-old woman was taken to the hospital, where she died of her injuries.

While I am saddened by the event, I am more than a little frustrated that nothing has been done before.  After all, even a novice reporter like me saw the danger in that crosswalk almost a year ago as a student in an Intro. to Broadcast Journalism class.

You can read about it online - Salt Lake Tribune Article, 08 Jan 2008

I have already posted this video, but I'm posting it again for reference:


newlymed said...

I remember carrying those big orange flags with me across the street, I was crossing university further south than Wyview, but still just as busy and dangerous! It's sad that it's been 5 yrs since I left and it's still a problem. Glad I never became a trauma patient!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Good job Mark. With what happened last week, you couldn't tell you did this almost a year ago.

Will said...

Why not put a light there? Those flags are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Her name was Rebecca Marrianne Blazzard. I don't know her, but today noticed a Facebook group that's been dedicated to her:

Hansel said...


I am helping Rebecca Blazzard's family research this crosswalk and other accidents that have occurred there. Your video is very interesting, especially given its prophetic timing. I'd like to talk to you some more about it. Please email me clinthansen@hotmail.com