22 October 2007

03 - Electric Car

Also from my Comms. 275 class, this clip is about Electric Cars.

For this assignment, we were given a number of clips paired with their own audio. We were also given a script to follow. (Incidentally, all the clips are from a story that our professor Robert Walz did. He works for ABC 4 News in Salt Lake.)

Also, I am sure you will notice that two of the clips aren’t that great…it’s because they gave us the wrong set and couldn’t find the right one:
- There is one of a girl sitting in a car who says “Yeah, I’m impressed. It’s got all the amenities of a normal car, um, it looks pretty ‘schnazzy.’”
- The other is Professor Walz’s stand-up, and he says “BYU and other Universities race formula cars like this one to demonstrate the abilities of the electric car. But the real application is developing technology for a commuter vehicle.”

It looks pretty “schnazzy.”

Mark Reports, You Decide

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